I have taken some time away from writing lately because life has been a bit overwhelming....
Do you know what that feels like?
You feel like you are rushing around
It feels as though there is a force that is purposely working against you.
It feels as though the main focus of that force is to sabotage any and every thing you do that is important, and to plant seeds of doubt that maybe you just can't do it at all!!?!!
I have felt that way lately.
I keep reminding myself that although I have no idea the plans that God has for me,
He promises in His Word that He does!!!
...and .....that plan
~His plan~
is good!!!
and it is full of HOPE!!!!
I have always been a seeker and wanted to know God, know people, know things outside of my environment. I have always believed that by learning more about people who are different than me
(maybe people that grew up in a different culture or country, or in a house that did not include 2 mental health professionals and a Southern Baptist preacher grandfather down the street, or so many other possibilities)
we learn more about God......
If we are ALL created in the image of God, then we are all bearers of an aspect of His image that is unique and special and lovely.
By looking for those aspects in others, instead of looking for the "differences" I believe we see...
Who God is , what His heart is, and what He desires....
As I look over my life I see how I have always been plagued with fear!!!
What if I am way off?
I recently attended an event that was truly life changing!!!
This year marked the 25th Anniversary of "Points of Light".
(25 years ago President George H. W. Bush brought to the White House a dedication to traditional American values and a determination to engage the country in becoming
"a force for good"
In his Inaugural Address, President Bush called on Americans to engage in hands-on, active service to their country and communities as "Points of Light" with the inception of The Points of Light Foundation)
To begin the weekend long meeting of various spiritual leaders a prayer service was held that I was privileged to attend.
"One Prayer;Many Faiths"
This experience was beyond something words could even begin to express.
As I sat next to my dear friend, who happens to be Muslim, ( I am a Christian) in a beautiful sanctuary filled with people from all walks of life and religious and spiritual perspectives I was overwhelmed!!!
...I have often wondered how can I have such confidence in the God I know and love and a curiosity to know Him more and yet still be so fearful?
During this meeting we were honored to hear from Jon Meacham, Executive Editor and Executive Vice President of Random House, a notable New York Times best selling author, and distinguished visiting professor at Vanderbuilt, (if I continued on with his CV this post may never end)
He said something that has not only stuck with me, but has rattled my little "Southern Baptist taught" brain.
He said.....how can any of us who were created by a Creator that exists outside of time and space, honestly believe that we, who were created in that time and space, understand completely and accurately that Creator?
Lately, I am keenly aware of the fear in my life and how it has affected so many aspects of my life.
I know where fear comes from and I know that I have a choice to give into the fear,
I have the choice to remember that God promises good and not harm.
He promises to never leave me or forsake me.
He is so complex that I could never understand and fully know the why and how of His plan.
So those times when I feel He is so far away, I have to check myself and see where the disconnect is.
Am I choosing fear over the peace promised that passes all understanding?
When it comes to loving others, how do I get to that place where the love is not conditional on whether or not "they" love or accept me back, but out of the love offered to me.....how do I love without expectations??.....
Billy Graham once said
(and I may have posted this quote before, but it is worth a mention again!!!)
"God's job is to judge, the Holy Spirit's job is to convict, and our job is simply to love!!!"
I wonder how can I love better today?
Without expectation of reciprocation....just out of the love that has so freely and lavishly been poured out on me?
~I feel it is important to say that when bad things happen and difficulty and pain peeks its ugly head around the corner, we MUST remember that is a product of the world we live in, and we can choose to focus on that, or we can look to the Creator who loves us, to carry us through and love us through the pain.
He comforts us so that we can comfort others!!!
Who can you comfort today?
Who can I comfort today?
I pray that today we will be given God appointed assignments to love and comfort......
....and that the love and comfort will come from the love that is ours forever and always and was given freely because He first loved us!!!
"may the God of hope fill you with all joy!!!"
Romans 15:13
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