Tuesday, August 9, 2016

Always Faithhful

The dream of the snake did not make sense until just now.
With the help of some words of truth,  the meaning was clear.
 Have these words been heard before, sure, but today they went deeper.

"throw off your old sinful nature and your former way of life,
which is corrupted by lust and deception.
Instead, let the Spirit renew your thoughts and attitudes,
put on your new nature, created to be like God-
truly righteous and Holy."

Ephesians 4:22 

Sunday it was clear, my pride had gotten in the way, 
actually it had taken over and become the focal point for 
something that I was invited into, but can not possibly do on my own. 
My dear friend Kelly and I have the honor of hosting the Inaugural Walk for Freedom in Houston, Texas supporting the A21 Campaign.
The A21 Campaign exists to abolish social injustice and modern day slavery in the 21st Century.

The reality that there are more slaves in the world today than any other time in human history literally leaves me breathless.
How can we even begin to make a difference?
 I was overwhelmed by so much and already feeling defeated by the coming events.

The words of my earthy father rang in my ears.
After struggling with my part in a dear friends life after she was taken from this world in a tragic accident when we were far too young. I struggled with had I done enough?
My father very gently, but firmly said,
"Kimberly you did all you were intended to do, you loved her,
you don't have the power to save her."

My heart aches so deeply for the millions of men, women, and children who are treated in a way other than the way they were intended to be. The horrific reality of what is happening today in our world is too much!

So what do we do?
Yesterday I spoke to a young adult woman who was sold into sex slavery by her very own uncle when she was only 4 years old! She spoke with such clarity and poise. I was truly amazed.
These words are powerful on their own, but coming from her they transcended to a higher level!

The human spirit can be renewed. 
Healing is real!
Emotional healing.
 physical healing. 
psychological healing.
They are all possible!!

She was such a young child when she was thrust into the life of a sex slave, and she said she didn't have the vocabulary to talk to anyone about what was being done to her over and over again, but now she has been made new!
She has been restored and she IS the beautiful phoenix that has emerged from the ashes of her past.
The ashes of all that was done, and said, and inflicted is burned away and out of that rose a beauty that is glorious!

"I am OVERWHELMED with Joy in the Lord my God! 
For He has dressed me with the clothing of salvation, 
and draped me in a robe of righteousness."

Isaiah 61:10

That is why we do what we are doing.
That is why we fight to abolish, once and for all, the injustice in this world.
THAT is why we fight until the very last
 man, woman, and child 
is rescued and renewed.

We fight for the death of the injustice
 and in its place
 the beauty that is draped in the righteousness of the Lord!


Monday, August 8, 2016

The New Norm

Ok so first of all....
No, it didn't take me 40 years to realize my life and everything in and around it functions 
with the twist of ADD.....
however, please don't ever tell me mother that I finally surrender!!!
I admit there are so many clear indications that I am in fact ADD and I live in an ADD world.

Case and point, this blog.
The sporadic entries would suggest to anyone that sees the "pattern," of which there is none,
I do not abide by a set structure.

I believe I now see the connection as to why....

Before we travel that road please allow me to back up a bit and lay some ground work.

Growing up the daughter of 2 therapists
 (1 who happens to be hyper-anxious to diagnose any and everyone!)
I always thought ADD was a bad thing. 
I hated stories of people who would seek out a therapist only to then continue the detrimental behavior with a new definition of why.

That is why I always fought the diagnosis!!

But, now I see so clearly....

My ADD is in fact the very thing that allows me to operate in the day to day.

I was created with such an overload of feeling that it has taken me all of my 40 years, and no doubt will take all of my years left to live, to truly understand how to harness and express my feelings in a productive and healthy way.

I don't just wear my feelings on my sleeve, my feelings are every inch of my skin. 
I feel so deeply and passionately that my feelings are that tangible.

I realize as I continue to travel through my story that in order to keep from completely shutting down I need my ADD for a bit of reprieve.

Not only do I feel deeply for myself, but I feel for those I love and even strangers I have never met. 

There is so much beauty in this world and yet so much evil as well.
Just as anyone who wishes to be an ambassador of change we must find a way to protect ourselves.
I believe for myself and likely many others that protection was woven into my very DNA.

So, for me, and hopefully for others as well, I will now welcome those moments of distraction as a breath of fresh air and a chance to recenter and hope again.

As I live my life after a hysterectomy before 40,
(the result of years living with immense pain from endometriosis),
childless and devastated by a dream lost and daily pain reminders of this reality,
coupled with a passion for millions in bondage around our globe I am thankful for the way I was made. 
My Creator knew that through my story, which at times would seem overwhelmed by pain, I would need a "rabbit trail" to take a breath, and for that I am so very thankful.

So.....now having shared this with you, its ok if you tell my mom!! :)


I would venture to say that "we" are all ever so familiar with the phrase "mind over matter," and for most of us, ...