Tuesday, August 15, 2017

Go placidly amid the noise & haste, & remember. what peace there may be in silence. ~Desiderata

We are brought into a world surrounded by noise.
So much noise, that for most of us, we live our lives not really knowing which messages come from where.
So how are we to learn to decipher the messages that come from deep within us?

We have all heard "go with your gut," but do we?
Do we even know how?

It took a very long time and quite honestly, a lot of pain and questioning, for me to learn to hear what messages were coming from deep within. 

The messages my own body was telling me.

Those messages were discounted and dismissed for years from just about everyone I shared them with, so I began to wonder,
(when you are born into a family of mental health professionals it crosses your mind a few times- "Am I crazy?"
"Is this all in my head?")

There is a  process I have found that has allowed me to shut out the noise and hear what my body is saying to me about everything I need to know.

I have found this exercise to be very helpful, and simple! 
Throughout the day, take a few moments and take 3 long breaths.
(Set a reminder on your phone if necessary to remind you)

Wherever you are, in your car, the restroom at the office, in line for coffee, just take a moment and breathe.
Breathe in through your nose, and as the air fills your lungs allow yourself to breathe in newness.

Then, as your breathe out through your mouth, let go of everything in your mind, 
for just these few moments, 
just BE.

Studies have shown that just these 3 focused breaths can realign your entire body, mind, and spirit.
So, let's start there, and begin the conversation with the complex brilliant machine that houses our very essence.

I wonder what it will tell us?

Sunday, August 13, 2017

So now what?.......

It has been over a month since I have been able to put words to this part of the "process" of my journey, but I am more certain than ever that EVERYTHING, in fact, does have a purpose and meaning.
But, it is not as simple as it sounds.

We have a part in this story, in OUR story.
We can decide what we will lean in to and what we will turn our backs on.
As I have so often said, I was raised in a unique environment of God-fearing, God-loving, people-loving role models who just so happened to have a LOT of training in Theology and Psychology.
I always knew that I should never take anything for granted, good or bad, but the lesson I feel I was never truly taught how to take from the textbook and put into an ongoing practice was listening to and trusting my own body over the noise of all of the solicited and unsolicited opinions of others.
I must always remember and be grateful for the many blessings in my life, but I also must face obstacles with a purpose of learning the lesson they were intended to teach.

Today, I am so very grateful for so many things, that to list them would prove to be a never ending project; and I have seen, and continue to see the lessons and truths learned through my pain and loss. My sincere hope is that by sharing the lessons and truths of my story,  that others may become more attuned to their own conversation with the brilliant complex machine that houses their very soul. 

I believe we all have to learn to listen to our bodies. 
But, if we will turn our ears to listen, our bodies WILL be faithful to tell us how to properly care for and keep it at its top potential.

I will share with you in coming posts what I have learned in listening to my own body regarding everything from assessing pain to how I have been able to determine how my body needs to be fed, and all that falls in between.
 My hope is that you will learn to ask your body some of the same questions I have, and by extension, better hear what your body wants to tell you, so that you can care for yourself in the best possible way.

I would venture to say that "we" are all ever so familiar with the phrase "mind over matter," and for most of us, ...